Birth of a Baby versus the Birth of the Life You are living Today

Since the creation of man and woman under normal circumstances, conception of childbirth is the same for every male and female in the earth by the created God.  The most hated God in the world, Jesus Christ!

Male and female have intercourse; the sperm (seed) of male deposited into the female uterus where it connects with the egg of a woman from her ovaries. Once the union completed, life begins immediately to create within the womb of a woman to produce a full-grown healthy boy or girl. If given the chance to complete the cycle of growth within the woman for the standard terms of nine months.

I am discussion a normal delivery. I am not talking about abnormal births, caesarean births, artificial insemination births, test-tube births or cloning births but normal birth through intercourse. God created it this way from the beginning of creation, and there is no getting around childbirth as God has designed it for all of humanity on a global scale. With this childbirth, much pain is associated through the duration.

I used the example to prove another point that our Father God in heaven, and His Son, Jesus Christ, who is the most hated God of all gods in the world. God has designed the births of all humankind lives lived today in the earth on a global scale the same way for regular people as described above for normal birth. The one method used by all ordinary humanity in giving birth to the life he or she lives in the earth today is through thoughts. No matter where a person lives on the planet, it is through the “THOUGHT PROCESS.” The life of every reasonable person on the planet, he or she is living today done one way, and that is through the “PROCESS OF THOUGHTS.” Normal conception happens the same way for all normal child births for all of humanity on a global scale. The baby will come out the womb of woman into the world. Normal birth of life for the every average person living in the world today, all birthed into existence by one method, the “THOUGHT PROCESS.”

As it is with normal delivery, there is much physical pain associated in birthing a new human life in existence in the world through a woman. In addition, much pain is associated in bringing forth the new life that a person wishes to have and live in this life from the “PROCESS OF THOUGHTS.”

None of this is new. Since the creation of humanity in the world, it has been known, but crafty and purposely hidden from humankind on a globally scale by those who are rich, powerful, greedy and selfish. With one purpose in mind and that is to keep the human race enslaved to the fail systems they have created.

The book that has all the secrets to every problem life has to offer is the HOLY BIBLE. It is a book; the rich and powerful purposely has discredited the Holy Bible and has made it a very controversial and contested book in the earth. In addition, the elites have made the HOLY BIBLE, the most hated book in the world to keep it secrets hidden from the ordinary person.  The elites of the world know of the power that the Word of God will give to any person capable of reading its contents. The Elites have studied the Bible through and through on stuff, things and healing of the body to rule over the ignorant and the lazy person. I am not speaking in a sardonic manner but making a fact known. If you are a person who refuses to read and get understanding of the world we live within you will be a slave to society for the rest of your days in the land. The Elites of the world uses the Holy Bible teachings to develop his or her ideas to give CREATED life to everything they plan or dream because they know the God of the HOLY BIBLE cannot lie. The Elites know that if his or her thoughts are in alignment with the principles of the Bible, whatever they are seeking is sure to come into his or her life. The rich walk with an arrogant spirit because they know they will not fail using the “THOUGHT PROCESS of the HOLY BIBLE. The high society people respect the principles of the Word of God, higher than, the children of God, in forming the correct thoughts, words, speech and faith. In addition, the elites of the world know the power a belief will bring to them because of their knowledge of the Bible; that is preceded with action will ultimately lead to the expected end of  his or her ideas. The rich and powerful know the power behind the words they speak because they have studied and learned the most accurate book in the world, the Holy Bible.

As a GLOBAL VOICE for God, I am in the earth to take away the ignorance of humanity on a global scale for billions to rise in the ranks of the rich and famous of the earth. In addition, return the lost respect of the Holy Bible as the most influential and truest book on the planet.

The Challenge

Every person listening to this message, to this teaching, if all 7.1 billion people in the world can hear what I am about to say and ask of them, all would agree the man is 100 % correct. I called the entire human race attention this moment. I ask each person to think back yesterday of the thoughts they had of the past. Reflect the present, and see if the ideas he or she held yesterday (years and months past) is not a replica of the life he or she is living today. If you are honest with SELF, you can only agree with me and say, the man is 100% correct. You can only agree with me as well when I make this statement. “The lives people are living today are the thoughts he or she had yesterday because you will know for SELF; the lives of most and the life you are living today are the thoughts of your past.”

The Dilemma

People are without direction how to bring into existence the world he or she truly desires to live. My task is to take away the confusion of how a person should think in order to bring into existence the life of his or her dreams and understand the “THOUGH PROCESS” of the Holy Bible. A book many taught to hate. Nevertheless, it is the most faithful book on the ground as has been declared in Proverbs 21: 30, There is no wisdom nor understanding or counsel against the Lord. No human in the earth can argument against the content of the Word of God and win. All the wisdom of this earth is a bleed off from the wisdom of God that has been reworded, republished, repackaged or corrupted. If any person in the earth accepts the THOUGHT PROCESS of the HOLY BIBLE, he or she can give life to every idea, vision, dream, plan or goal. Regardless of cost, material needed or people required assisting in the completion of the project! As a global VOICE for God, Jesus Christ, God is using me to bring back the lost respect of the HOLY BIBLE, as the truest book in the earth.

God is doing this through the teachings in my book FIVE STEPS to REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOREVER.  Through this book, billions of lives will finally have changes that will last a lifetime. Only because the book filled with the “THOUGHT PROCESS” of God to teach any person anywhere on the planet that is capable of understanding right from wrong, will acquire the ability to give life to any idea. Without respect to the complexity of the plan, cost, material or the people required assisting with the completion of the project! No catch or tricks from God, you do not have to believe in His Son, Jesus as God, Lord and Savior. Just believe the statements Jesus has made, accept His principles taught and explained in FIVE STEPS to REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOREVER, and do the action steps. Give God time for you to get your “THOUGHT PROCESS” corrected for God to honor His Word in your life. Whatever your idea is it will transform into physical form if you follow the PROCESS OF THOUGHT and not disbelieve.

Words Have Power

The imagination of the mind is a supernatural reservoir of endless wealth, empire building, G650 Corporate Jets, mansions or whatever. Thoughts are streams of energy going in and out of form changing into physical products of the images of the mind. Every person on the earth lives by faith, a measure given to all humans (Romans 12:3). Once a person forms an opinion and accepts it as truth. The body will become the instrument of the mind, which will dictate every move or action bringing about the desired results of the belief of whatever is within the idea! Laws of God, unknown to most of humanity will begin to move in place and connect with everything throughout all the galaxy of the earth. As you think so are you (PROV 23: 7).  You will attract and bring whatever needed to give life to your vision, dream or idea.

Now the world will see financial signs and wonders in my life and the True Church of the Lord Jesus Christ – A Voice in the Wilderness Ministries as in the Old Testament. In addition, signs and wonders in the lives of the billions of people who are purchasing FIVE STEPS to REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOREVER as in the days of Moses and Arron, King David and Solomon. However, there will be two major differences, the signs and wonders will supersede in speed and in performance for the last day church, the children of God and the lost, (non-believers),  just to show everything spoken about heaven and hell is just as authentic. Many people will become billionaires through the “THOUGHT PROCESS” of FIVE STEPS to REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOREVER. FIVE STEPS is a book, which shall never go into the halls of the forgotten because it deals with the thought process of every human in the earth. Just as normal childbirth is the same for all races, so is the thought process of all ordinary humans the same everywhere on the planet. Alternately, this is the reason the book shall never fade out from among humanity, the “THOUGHT PROCESS” of the book is from the CREATOR God, the creator of ALL humankind. I do believe God know how humanity thinks because He made us!

Christmas time is around the corner. Go to and purchase your copy today.  Get one for yourself and your friend, put God to the test and see who get the results of his or her ideas first. Think BIG but make sure you believe what you think!

PT 1, Baby Birth versus the Life Every Soul Lives in the Earth

PT 2, Baby Birth versus the Life Every Soul Lives in the Earth

PT 3, Baby Birth versus the Life Every Soul Lives in the Earth

Game Changer Videos

Game changer videos with power that can affect changes for the greater good of any person on the planet for the rest of his or her life on earth. A game changer for the person who has a healthy mindset and the ability to process thought. A game changer forever to whosoever (anybody) on the earth with the ability to think and make reasonable and logical decisions to know there is a power that is unseen, very formidable and real. A video with an unthinkable ability to give life to every thought of any human anywhere on the earth, who has an idea and believed will produce life. The idea will develop in the life of the thinker as a picture developed on film. The individual cans see the result of his or her idea transformed into a physical form or the financial equivalent of his or her thoughts from the information presented to the global populations of the earth. No, exaggeration, no untruth but just the bare facts about the life you are living today and the method of its creation.

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