Hello world, the Official Launch Day of the Physical Creation of the True Church Empire!

Today is the first day of June 2014, the official launch day of the actual beginning of the process of God building forty-nine mega churches with a general seating capacity of over 2500 for the sanctuaries with a 320 seat choir. Also, a 500 seats Private Christian Charter School for K-8. A 10,000-seat sanctuary for 49 churches located within one state of the United States. The main hub of the empire coming together frequently with the other 49 churches, as the Spirit of God, directs furthering the expansion of Jesus Christ for the last of the last days. Lastly, “the Six Steps Plans of the True Church of the Lord Jesus Christ – A Voice in the Wilderness Ministries,” is creating a new TBN/Daystar, with the latest digital state of the art radio and television broadcast system. A radio and television broadcast network with two exceptions, it is for ministries with money and the truth and ministries with the truth but has not matured in how to receive the blessings of God, free airtime. Ministries lifting up the name of the real Christ to the world as spoken in John 12: 31-33. Moreover, it read 31 “Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out. 32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.33 This he said, signifying what death he should die.”

A project, returning the lost respect of the sacred and most influential book ever published among humanity, both non-believers, and believers, the Holy Bible. A work based on the promises of the Word of God from my thoughts that God has promised to me by His Word. The work that is now fully under the control of a God that cannot lie as promised in Numbers 23: 19. God has written out many blank checks in the Bible, but His children refuse to take the checks from God and write whatever amount of money they desire or chose whatever gift card they want God to give to provide for “whatever” project. God’s children refuse to take the checks or gift cards because they cannot believe God will do what He has promised. Here are two blank checks or gift cards (John 16: 23 and John 14: 13) God has given to His children, but His children have failed to comprehend how God operate. God has made me his trailblazer for His glory to flow through me as in the days of Moses and Arron, but superseding in speed and performance. I did not come to people for them to serve me, but to serve the people. Jesus left this model to follow in the land; however, not many follow the teaching. If preachers took on the mentality of Christ, their ministries would truly make a difference in the earth.

Contract with God

The initial period of the start of this work was June 2010 under contract with God for seven years with a tentative completion date around June 2017. Approximately thirty-six months left for God to finish and complete this work. Call me a fool for God because I am!

It is time for the world to witness the supernatural and creative powers of the almighty God of the universe, Father God through His first begotten Son from the dead, Lord of Lords and Kings of Kings, Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Ghost!

Bad things are getting ready to happen in the world, and the church of Jesus Church will be the only safe-haven in the land with eternal rest in peace. People that have never believed in Jesus shall seek shelter in the true churches of God. The true Church of the Lord Jesus Christ – A Voice in the Wilderness Ministries is not the only true church; God has other ministries that are faithful to His calling. Overall, the majority of churches in the earth today fall under the same conditions of the seven churches of Asia in the Book of Revelation. Only two churches, God, had no rebukes with, the church in Smyrna and the church in Philadelphia. Scholars today say this has nothing to do with the church today, I say to those students, get filled with the Holy Ghost and God will open their eyes to see. It is the same as with the false teachers; there are more of them than there are real teachers for God. I can give biblical proof, but not necessary.

The blueprint of this church industry is done under the concept and teachings in FIVE STEPS to REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOREVER. My http://changeyourworldbythought.blogspot.com/ I have spoken a truth how God would give life to 1 billion people, all with different ideas, plans or goals, no matter the cost, the material needed or the number of individuals required assisting with “whatever,” how God will create life to his/her idea. God requires a dedicated purpose, a belief, and a strong want from a person to have their wish. God will do it based on the promises of His Word. There will be physical activity on each’s part that will come from his/her faith. It is their belief and actions that shall decide their results. Many do not believe, but for those that do not believe and those that do understand and take the challenge I listed on my other website
http://www.truevoice4jesus.com/challenge-to-all-who-is-a-hater-of-jesus-christ/ and  http://www.truevoice4jesus.com/my-new-book-five-steps-to-reinvent-your-life-forever/ will see the God that is changing the lives of billions today will change your life, your business, or your income to whatever you can believe Him to do.

Psalm 34: 22, 22 The Lord redeemeth the soul of his servants: and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate. Synonyms for desolate are barren, abandoned, forsaken, deserted, or isolated, all meaning the same thing. It is too many talkers in the body of Christ and very few walkers, allowing fear to dominate their souls and paralyzing their actions. 

I have put my trust in God on the world stage; God will not allow me to be made ashamed of my trust in Him. Psalm 31: 1, In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust; let me never be ashamed: deliver me in thy righteousness. I cannot fail because of God moving through me to glorify His Son, Jesus. My project is backed by the Omnipotent God, which is why I can do all things through Christ that strenghten me (Phil. 4:13).

Woe to any persons causing a conflict in my life to hinder this work. God shall remove “whosoever” from the planet if immediate restitution not put in place for a warning to whosoever follows the same path!

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