- What We Believe
- Church Worship Schedule
- Speaking Engagements
- Publications
- Classes of Apostles
- Gifts of the Holy Ghost
- Goals For 2016
True Church of the Lord Jesus Christ – A Voice in the Wilderness Ministries is a non-denominational family oriented ministries New Testament Church, associating with like Bible way believing Christians that honors Jesus through the Word of God. We are building a five-fold ministry under Ephesians 4:11-14. We welcome all nationalities in the world because heaven is not one race. We follow the principles and concepts of the written Word of God, which is our only perception of who Father God is and the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father. We strive for unity of the faith, but not unity just for the sake of unity. You live, and you will die. We want you to know what this church lives under and think before you come in the door. We do not believe in surprising anyone with insidious beliefs once you become part of the fellowship. We do not worship God with manufactured doctrines (man-made). We worship Him in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:24).
We believe in the Cross and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ for the saving of our Souls.
- We believe in the confession of Romans 10:9-10 as the gateway into the kingdom of God.
- We believe the Lordship of Jesus Christ is according to Luke 6:46, 46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?
- We believe, to believe with your heart unto righteousness is to obey (Romans 10: 16).
- We believe the name of Jesus represents the Word of God (John 1:1, 1 John 5: 7 and Rev. 19: 13).
- We believe the Gift of Righteousness is Christ, the Word of God (Romans 5: 17, John 1: 1).
- We believe you cannot separate Jesus Christ from the Word of God (John 1: 1, Rev.19: 13).
- We believe we are saved by the Word of God (James 1: 21).
- We believe Jesus gives eternal life in peace after death under the premises of His Word and not man’s word (Hebrews 5: 8-9, 2 Thess. 1: 6-9 John 10: 25-28).
- We believe to obey God is not living under the law of the Old Testament, but is a sign that our love is pure toward God and we are the sons and daughters of God. (John 14: 22-24, Rom. 8: 14, 1 John 2: 1-6, 1 John 5: 3,)
- We believe you can fail the grace of God (Hebrews 12: 14-17) (Rev. 3: 5).
- We believe if you have truly been reborn you will not backslide (1 John 2: 19).
- We believe in the trinity, the Father, The Word (SON), and the Holy Ghost (1 John 5: 7).
- We believe God is a forgiving God, full of mercy and truth. In addition, a God of judgment and will judge all men by the Word of God (John 12: 47-49).
- We believe Jesus Christ must be Lord and Savior of a person, not just Savior, which is impossible if He is not Lord (Romans 10: 9-10).
- We believe in water baptism, and the Lord’s Supper (Acts 8: 35-39).
- We believe grace is not a license to sin, if we sin we can ask for forgiveness.
- We believe a person can turn God’s grace into lasciviousness, and fail the grace of God (Jude 1: 2-7 and Hebrews 12: 12-17).
- We believe there is a sin Jesus will not forgive any person in this life or the next life, blasphemy against the Holy Ghost (Matthew 12: 31-32 and Mark 3: 28-29).
- We believe the Bible has almost fulfilled its course showing the human race what shall be the signs of Jesus return to the earth (Luke 17: 28-29, Rev. 11: 1-2, Matthew 24: 15 and Daniel 9:27)
- We believe we are that generation of the last of the last day church to meet the Lord in the air (1 Thess. 4:16-18).
True Church of the Lord Jesus Christ – A Voice in the Wilderness Ministries 2307 Oak Lane Suite 200, Grand Prairie, TX 75051 | Church Worship Sunday 9: 00 am – 11: 15 am | Bible Study Wednesday 7: 00 – 8: 15 pm | Telephone 855.463.9297
Available for teaching and preaching on Real Eternal life in peace after death and Real Prosperity from thought based on the promises of the Holy Bible. Please contact church for availability via email or phone.When this church speaks, the world shall not ignore.
Two questions are asked:
Are you ready for heaven this moment?
Do you want all what God gave you at birth?
You have finally found the church that shall empower you to get it!
You can hear my radio broadcast every Monday @ 8: 45 A. M. Pacific Time, 10: 45 A.M. Central Time. EDT is one hour ahead of CDT. MDT is one hour behind CDT. Alaska Time (AKDT) is one hour behind PDT. Hawaii (HST) is two hours behind AKDT. Broadcast repeats every four hours.
Every Wednesday @ 10:15 A. M. Pacific Time, after Thur. the Bible with J. Vernon McGee, 1: 15 P.M. Central Time, EDT is one hour ahead of CDT. MDT is one hour behind CDT. Alaska Time (AKDT) is one hour behind PDT. Hawaii (HST) is two hours behind AKDT. Broadcast repeats every four hours.
LNN Publishing Company book in digital and paperback.
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LNN Publishing Company Title FIVE STEPS to REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOREVER Author says could change the life of any person, anywhere, regardless of faith in Jesus to save a soul. What do you want for your life?
Something is wrong when eight people own more wealth than 3.6B people of the bottom portion of the population. It all relates to how a person thinks! What do you want MOST for your life?
Arlington, TX — What do you want in your life? The steps in this book are a true path with a blueprint from God’s Word, which He cannot lie (Numbers 23:19), that will prove Himself to whosoever can take His word from the Bible as truth. FIVE STEPS to REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOREVER ($9.99 digital download) will reveal the reasons your life is what it is today and how to change it forever. An updated version of the book along with an additional chapter added. NOTE: ALL GRAPHICS IN PRINTED BOOK ARE IN BLACK AND WHITE. DIGITAL BOOK GRAPHICS ARE IN COLOR.
If you want a life coach that will bring out your best, then you want me as your coach. Those who study human behavior should give more time to the Bible. It deals with every aspect of the behavior of man. I have studied the Bible for over twenty-two years, and I will put my learning up against the most affluent individual in the profession. There are simple answers to any performance of a man, with a sound mind.
What do you want, peace, exotic vacations, love, or wealth? To get more, you must do more! There is a law called, The Law of Cause and Effect. No one can escape this law. You get what you sow.
Your thoughts must be of a higher caliber with determination and persistence. “It is not what you think, but it is how you think what you think.”
Everyone wants the best life has to offer.
To get more, you must activate your best You. It is the person on the inside screaming, “Let me out.”
This book is for high achievers who do not know they are, yet.
After reading this book and performing these life-changing exercises, if you want more empowering tools, you may contact Larry Jones.
LNN Publishing Company is dedicated to helping people with stories of struggles or successes share with the world and paid in the process. LNN Publishing Company is a Christian e-book publisher.
For Immediate Release: Contact: Xulon Press or |
Xulon Press Title Questions Eternity Author says Eternity’s inevitable; where will you spend yours?
Longwood, FL – Do you know where you will spend eternity? Hidden within the Word of God is the only true answer. The Saving of a Soul called, “the Hereafter ($31.99 paperback, ISBN 9781597811811, $47.99 hardcover, ISBN 9781597812443, $52.99 dust jacket ISBN 9781604779615) will reveal your final destiny. The Bible has declared about perilous times in the last days; we are living in those days. The truth is being evil spoken of. The love of many has waxed cold, and deception is king. You have only one lifetime to get this right and all eternity to regret. What are you going to do? Will it be heaven or hell? You decide!
Heaven is no myth, neither is hell. The Saving of a Soul called, “the Hereafter also reveals the appointment every human will face one day; death and judgment according to Hebrews 9:27. Only the Word of God will spare your soul, this book reveals how. Can a nation, who has turned away from God, be saved? Can a people be saved? Can my political correctness be eternally fatal to my soul? In this book are answers from the Bible. Do you want to know?
As a True Apostle/Prophet, sent by God, and not by man, God inspired Apostle/Prophet Larry D. Jones through the Holy Spirit to write this book with a special message, first to the church and then to the secular world to aggressively take back what was stolen. God is using him as an instrument to strip the church from Satan’s control and return it to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. With this call, God, through Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Ghost is divinely protecting this ministry and has released the abundance of heavens resources to do His work through Apostle/Prophet Larry Jones. It is a new day in the kingdom of God. The times of the SUPERNATURAL POWERS of God as in the days of Moses are being released in today’s modern times. The status quo church is over!
Xulon Press, a division of Salem Communications, is the world’s largest Christian publisher, with more than 8,000 titles published to date. Retailers may order The Saving of a Soul called, “the Hereafter through Ingram Book Company and/or Spring Arbor Book Distributors. The book is available online through,,, and in e-book formats.
Illiteracy in the church with the different classes of Apostles
Leadership in churches is starving the body of Christ with pastors and leaders coming from seminaries with Ph.D.’s of improper beliefs and learning of the Word of God on the administrations levels of leadership that the church should be under. Gifts Jesus said He left behind (Eph. 4:11-14) fabricated beliefs from man disqualify the authority of Christ leadership, thus, creating an undernourished body of believers never excelling in the power and supernatural manifestation of God in their lives.
One of the attributes of the True Church of the Lord Jesus Christ – A Voice in the Wilderness Ministries is to expose corrupt principles and teaching in the body of Christ that hinders the church growth. Such beliefs are widely held by particular denominations unlearned in the Word of God that has accepted men views over the canons of the scriptures.
In the New Testament Church, the Bible discusses four distinct types of apostles. Two classes are no longer working directly in the church. Nevertheless, their influence is the platform for everything else that is happening under the leadership of the church.
The Bible shows four central points of the apostolic ministry:
- Jesus Christ –— Jesus was in the beginning and is the Chief Apostle (Heb. 3: 1). The book of John, the Apostle of Christ, teaches us about the apostleship of Jesus in numerous scriptures representing His Father to us such as ( John 4: 34, 5: 19, 5: 30, 6: 38, 8: 28-28, 42 and John 12: 44-45). The Father sent His only Son from heaven to fulfill the divine power of God in providing salvation to all humankind (John 3: 16-20, John 3: 27- 36, Titus 2: 11-12).
- The Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ–The twelve men chosen by Christ, we know from the Bible are the twelve apostles that Christ personally taught Himself in His short stay in the world before His death (John 6: 70-71). These twelves referred to as the Apostles of the Lamb with a unique place in history for all eternity; their names recorded as the twelve foundations of the holy city (Rev. 21: 14). These twelve men marked the beginning of a new era of God dealing with man. The twelve apostles closed off the age of the prophets and established the church age, the age of the apostles (Matthew 19: 28). In the Old Testament, the prophets were the ones who wrote scriptures. In the New Testament, the Apostles wrote scripture and gave specific instructions they were not to be of private interpretation (2 Peter 1: 16: -21) as this article is publicly addressing those with improper understanding of the Word of God on this subject.
Something we all should observe is Jesus Christ never wanted a prophet, pastor, evangelist, or a teacher when it came to putting thing in order in the church. He chose apostles. Jesus operated in each office and those offices He divided among men on His ascension returning to heaven. Today, we shall discover why Jesus divided His offices He walked in training the twelve disciples. In order for the complete fulfillment of the roles, Jesus operated in, Jesus separated the ranks among the body of Christ so that all positions He worked in would still be inside the church (people). Each position gives a different function from the other that the church is in dire need to have functioning to provide a well-nourished body of believers, which leads into the third class of apostles called, “The Post Ascension Apostles.”
- The Post Ascension Apostle–Apostle Paul’s tell the Ephesian church that when Jesus left to return to heaven, Jesus initiated another class of apostles to watch over the administration of the church to keep things in order. As mention earlier, Jesus walked in all five offices of the five-fold ministry of the apostle, the prophet, a teacher, the evangelist, and the pastor. In order that the church continue the pattern of the way Jesus taught the church, Jesus through the government and power of the Holy Ghost separated people with unique gifts from God. Functioning under the five-fold ministries in the authority of a prophet, evangelist, teacher, an apostle, or a pastor with gifting from God to honor the role in the church (Eph 4: 11-14) under each office. Each office carries an anointing the other position does not carry and through all offices interacting together, the divine intentions of God are produced in the body of Christ, which is why Apostle Paul said in Eph. 4: 11-14 why these gifts was needed.
Further understanding of other apostles Jesus appointed in the New Testament is below:
- James, the Lord’s brother (Galatians 1: 19),
- Titus (2 Corinthians 8: 23),
- Andronicus (Romans 16: 7),
- Junia, (Romans 16: 7),
- Barnabas (Acts 4: 36, Acts 14:14, Acts 13: 2),
- Epaphroditus (Philippians 2: 25),
- Timotheos (1 Thess. 1: 1; 2: 6)
- Silvanus (1 Thess. 1: 1, 2: 6), and
- Apollos, (1 Cor. 4: 6-9).
4 Others involved in apostolic type Ministry–In addition to the apostles listed above outside of the Twelve Apostles of the Lamb there seems to be more people in the New Testament that did apostolic-type roles at times who never called apostles. The seventy listed in Luke 10: 1 is a perfect example doing everything Jesus and the twelve apostles had done in previous works. As it was in the days of the apostles and Christ, we have those who are instrumental in some apostolic work, but are not call or appear to be specifically called to function in that life work. Today, we have many in that category.
To think the five-fold ministry (apostle, prophet, teacher, evangelist, or pastor) ceased with the death of the last chosen directly by the Lord Jesus Christ and using Ephesians 2: 20 to validate the error of belief is a gross error of teaching and understanding of the scriptures on this topic.
Alternately, this is one of many reasons today that the church is sick, powerless, and voiceless in the face of Satan. They have no anointing or supernatural power to face demonic activities. Many churches have huge gatherings and long services producing nothing of valuable to throw down the works of Satan. It is because the anointing and gifts God left behind for the church to operate against Satan, they refuse to believe and accept the gifts of the Holy Ghost as weapons of defense to overthrow Satan’s kingdom. God is exposing this evil with the Word of God.
God has risen up and is continuing the process of creating post-ascension apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, and pastors under Ephesians 4: 11- 14 to go forth and restore the order of the church. The post-ascension apostles, the Spirit of God, are using them to combat the evil on all levels from corrupt bishops and elders overseen by corrupt leaders over the church with nothing but the Word of God. The organizations of bishops today are not as it was when the church first created. God is putting in place real teachers, true evangelists, and pastors who will feed the flock of God the truth by putting in all positions of the administration the New Testament teaches. It includes the office of the apostle, the prophet, the evangelist, teacher, and the pastor. In addition, it appoints elders, bishops, deacons and other church ministries to help to facilitate the smooth flow of the working power of the Holy Ghost. The conspiracy of the prophets in the body of Christ recognizing only the small group that believes as they believe under the set up some man has implemented without the Word of God backing up His administrations of leadership is over. God is destroying them with a demonstration and power of His Word with those who just takes God at His Word and allowing God to demonstrate His own Word in the face of those opposing Him as He did with the scribes, and the Sadducees, the opponents of Jesus. The traditions of men have caused the Word of God to have little to none effect in their lives today and the effects is seen everywhere in the church that is not set up with the five-fold ministries, elders, bishops, and deacons to oversee the affairs of the church with Jesus Christ, the Chief Cornerstone – The Word of God.
It is not what man says but what the Holy Bible has previously said is what we should follow as the final Word of authority.
Illiteracy in the church with the gifts of the Holy Ghost
There is only one chapter in the Bible where the entire chapter is devoted to one subject, 1 Corinthians 14, which is talking about one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit of speaking in tongues. Something else a lot of unlearned leaders and churches do not believe. Some have gone as far as saying speaking in tongues by the Holy Ghost is of the devil. Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is a unforgiveable sin in this life and in the life to come (Matthew 12: 31-32, Mark 3: 28- 29). Our discussion here is about churches that believe that the miraculous gifts of the Spirit (Holy) listed in I Cor. 12: 8 -10 were done away when the Bible was completed and using (I Cor. 13: 8-10), as their anchor are churches with three problems. First, they are under misguided leadership. Secondly, they are a powerless church against the works of Satan. Lastly, the teaching most likely is from some seminary that has indoctrinated many Doctors of Divinities leaders to give credibility to the lie.
Dominations and churches that does not believes in the gifts of the Holy Ghost listed in 1 Corinthians 12: 8- 10 is a church or a domination that does not believes in the Holy Ghost. Moreover, it is a church that does not believe it is required to have the baptism of the Holy Ghost as Jesus said one must have in order for the Spirit to raise a person from the dead. If Jesus said the Holy Ghost must be inside a person (Rom. 8: 11), then we as believers must be in filled with the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is not going to separate Himself from who He is just to satisfy a false belief of some puffed up seminary pastor or leader made by man unlearned in the Word of God.
I understand why in many Baptist churches (not all) I attended the power of God was not there because they do not believe in the gifts of the Holy Ghost. You cannot say you believe in the Holy Ghost, but not accept the gifts of the Holy Ghost listed in 1 Corinthians 12: 1-11. The Holy Ghost (Spirit) will not and cannot separate Himself from who He is. If a person refuses the gifts of the Holy Ghost, they are refusing the Holy Ghost. Without the Holy Ghost, a person will not enter into the kingdom of God. John 3: 3-8 is talking about the Holy Ghost. Other scriptures referring to the Holy Ghost requirements are Matt. 3: 11; Luke 11: 10- 13, Luke 24: 47-49; John 1: 33; John 3: 3-8; John 14: 11 -26; John 15: 25-26; and John 16: 7-14. Churches under the error of belief the Holy Spirit and its gifts are not for the New Testament church is under the guidance of Satan on purpose or the leader is unknowingly ignorant of the Holy Bible. If they have a Ph.D. behind their names, the seminary they earned their Doctor of Divinity is teaching rebellion against Jesus Christ. The article the Spirit of God has given here is a warning to get it right or get out of the pulpit, repent and get baptize in the Holy Ghost as Apostle Paul told the believers in Corinth in Acts 19: 1-8. God will give the Holy Spirit to whosoever believe and obey Him (Luke 11: 10 – 13, Acts 5: 32).
The days of man’s rule is coming to an abrupt end. God is making His true will clear to humankind so He can be God in their lives. Just as God did in the days of olds when Jesus (the chief cornerstone Eph. 2: 20- 22) and the apostles was establishing the church, it was the apostles that continued in the teachings of Christ and put things in order after Jesus departure. John 17: 14- 26 is the testimony to the training and teachings of the disciples to teach us what Jesus taught them as His twelve disciples.
How can a church survive against Satan without the gifts of the Holy Spirit working through them to overthrow the powers of darkness? Acts 1: 8 is true and without the Holy Ghost, a church or people will be ineffective against the works of darkness. I see the effects of this in many churches having huge gatherings but accomplishing zero value for the kingdom of God. God is changing the mentality of His church through the True Church of the Lord Jesus Christ—A Voice in the Wilderness Ministries.
I am one of God, Post Ascension Apostle sent by God under the power of the Holy Ghost to help the church set up under the administration of the New Testament Church of Ephesians 4:11-14. God is using me as His mouthpiece ensuring that the New Testament church is no longer an institution swinging with every wind of false doctrine coming along that sounds good but is full of death!
I can discern quickly through the gift of the Holy Ghost a real preacher and a wolf preacher in sheep clothing. They run from the anointing of truth in me.
My goals for 2016 are no secret. What are your goals for 2016? It will be a shame on you if you do not have any objectives, you will be like a ship with plenty of fuel to go from shore to shore, but no one at the helm to guide her, and finally end up on shore shipwrecked. Your life will be the same in the year 2017. If your life is great today, it will be wonderful in 2017. If your life is everything but what you want it to be now, if no changes are made it will be the same in 2017.
Larry’s Goals for 2016
- 1. My top priority is a fundraising project to finance a 2B church project that will consume the rest of my life.
- Promoting Five Steps to Reinvent Your Life Forever to a global audience of 4.9B unbelievers; providing insight on how the life he/she is living came into existence and solutions to change by bringing awareness to the cause. Furthermore, to share insight the unbeliever may not know or love God-Jesus. Nonetheless, all humans use the thought process of the Bible but mainly to his/her detriment.
- Promote my book titled, ‘Five Steps to Reinvent Your Life Forever,’ globally to the Christian population of 2B. Informing people of how their thinking is the reason, they do not possess what God has already given them.
- Giving full creative life, to Larry Jones, Training, Coaching, and Empowerment Center with a three to a six-member team, teaching and instructing on how to give creative life to any size dream, goal, or vision without worrying about cost, material, or the number of people required to assist. See videos, on Five Steps Video Page, “Welcoming the Spirit of Opulence and Prosperity,” and “God Does What He Promise,” for short overviews of Larry Jones, Training, Coaching, and Empowerment Center.
- Watering my multiple streams of income (MSI) list to produce as believed.
Five Steps to Reinvent Your Life Forever has been out all of 2015. You found about it but failed to get a copy. You know your life did not improve at all, from 2014 to 2015. In fact, from 2014 to 2015, it got worse because the thinking remained the same. It is because you do not know what to do. Many of you have been trying to change your life for five, even up to 50 years. You are still wishing you could change your financial status, own a car, a home, or work a job that is worth getting out of bed to work. If you stop hurting yourself, by only investing in your stomach and just invest a small portion of your income in your life and future, $9.99, you will not have to spend a lifetime trying to figure out how to get what you want.
It is not about me making a fast buck. I am here to serve humanity. Search me out; subscribe to my YouTube, my Twitter- if you want to join the billionaire club for Christ. Yes, I am building a billion-member list to send information on how to become wealthy by the truest book on the planet, the Holy Bible. A book many ignorantly hate and want nothing to do with, although they use its thought process backward and created the life he/she hates instead of the life desired.
When you finish the book, you will understand why your life is the way it is and what you must do to change your life. Saying it a different way, creating the life you hate instead of the life you prefer. Also, when you complete the book, submit an honest review. What you do for others, the same will do for you.
I conclude with one last thought, your life is going to change for a greater good. Five Steps is over twenty-two years of Bible study put in pure speech, secured with the promises of a God that cannot lie, and He will honor every commitment that a person believe. You will learn how to give life to a billion dollar idea, once you learn what it takes to make 1B or bring into form, the life of your dreams. You will use this book for the rest of your life. For generations to come, Five Steps to Reinvent Your Life Forever is a book that will last as long as humanity will continue if the world lasts that long. A book you will pass down to your children, and your children’s, children. In addition, a book that shall never go into the Halls of the Forgotten, when once read! What are you waiting for, stop everything you are doing and get the power you need make a difference in your life. Click the link