
Poor Mindset

A message that is simple in speech without the speaking of high-polluted words to impress the ears of the listeners. A keeping it real teachings that coming down into the mindset of the average believer and person in the earth, giving understanding to the reason the life lived, is in existence. Poverty is a spirit given life by poverty thoughts. Proverb 23:7, As he thinketh in his heart so is he. Your outer world is simply a reproduction of your inner thoughts of yesterdays.

All hell is about to break forth in the earth. Her enemies shall soon overtake American because June 26, 2015, the wrath of God is sure against this nation. Money is going to be worthless to believers; a financial crisis shall soon hit America that shall affect the world, which shall bring in the one-world currency, one-world religion, and one-world ruler. Wealth shall be the demise of the rich and famous because they will not be able to let it go (1Timothy 6: 9-12, and James 5: 1-6).

The Bible has forecasted the implementation of the Mark of the Beast.  No person will be able to buy or sell except the person with the mark on his right hand, forehead, or worship the image of the beast (REV. 13: 15-16).

With the introduction of the credit card from the government, spending 33 billion dollars to put in place with a gold computer chip on each card – the mark of the beast will soon be mandatory as the credit card with the computer chip. Credit cards forced on anyone with a business or a checking account that buys or sells. A card that will follow you for the rest of your days on the earth, glamorize as a fraud eliminator forever.  Every nation on the earth is participating in this work. Once every one is computerized and trackable through the credit cards, the enforcement of phase II will take effect.  The computerized chip will be mandatory to take in the right hand, forehead, or worship the image of the beast. Refusal will be the punishment of death (Rev. 20: 4-6). The super elites or globalists, the lost and the wealthy people of the world shall take the mark of the beast because they will not give up the wealth they own (Rev. 13: 5-10). It is true what God said in Mark 10: 18-25. The rich has a slim chance of receiving eternal life in peace after death. Christians will refuse the mark and will become the outcast of all societies. Many will die for their beliefs (Rev. 20-4-6).

I have zero love for money, because soon, no person will be able to buy or sell unless the individual have the mark of the beast spoken in Rev. 13: 14-16. World War III looms a few years away, world collapse of capitalism purposely brought to an end by the elites to implement one-world currency, one-world religion, and one-world ruler. Additionally, the end of capitalism designed to destroying the dollar as the world reserve currency. A global dictator is coming from the Catholic Church along with a false prophet working miracles with powers to deceive even the children of God (Matt. 24: 24).  This kind of truth will never come from false mainstream Christianity from ministries such as Joel Osteen, Joyce Myers, Creflo Dollar, and Kenneth Copeland – herds or TD Jakes. They are all part of the antichrist churches preaching the other Jesus in 2 Corinthians 11: 4.

The signature of the other Jesus professes Romans 10:9-10, you are now hell-proof. You could not go to hell if you tried with everything within your power. Nothing else in the Bible applies to you from that moment when the fake confession spoken. The holiness and morality of God are now extinct from you. You can now live as you lived before, fornicator, commit adultery and have a man for your spouse, even though, you are a man. The same applies to a woman. Scriptures such as Romans 1: 21-32, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21, or Ephesians 5:3-8, do not apply to the person who has confessed Romans 10: 9-10. Nor does Colossians 3: 5-6, Revelations 14: 9-11 (12) or Revelations 21:8 applies to the person who has confessed Romans 10: 9-10. Your church, pastor, seminary school, or your denomination has sold you a bowl of lies.  You do not have to take my word. If I were you, I would not, but what I would do if I were you, research the Word of God for myself.  Most people in churches today are just a source of income to fill the fantasies of the demons in the pulpits (2 Peter 1:1-3, (4-9).  Representing the other Jesus, the other gospel, and the other spirit spoke in 2 Corinthians 11: 4.

I have another book, The Saving of a Soul called, “THE HEREAFTER,” that was eleven years in the making. God was documenting churches falling away from Him in false mainstream Christianity. It is a book revealing false religions, false churches, false pastors, and false beliefs of prominent churches that are proven today as the enemies of Christ because of their convictions and rebellion against the Word of God. Secondly, what does the Bible says is required by the Word of God for eternal life in peace after death and not man. Yes, I have errors, the editor, and I missed, nevertheless, the understanding is clear. A book that will stomp on your toes if you are on your way to hell, and speaks the same way the Bible speaks.

I am in the process of getting the book re-edited and reformatted. Additionally, I am creating a teacher’s training and student manual for colleges and universities to teach along with the Bible what Jesus has spoken on how to receive real eternal life in peace after death.

God is coming down to the level of humanity trying to reach the masses before judgment day through the acquisition of stuff and things. The first four chapters of “Five Steps to Reinvent Your Life Forever,” is a book reaching out to the lost. Chapter Five is for believers. However, many in the body of Christ are as unlearned in the principles of the Word of God as the illiteracy of the lost with the same principles. Therefore, the lost and the save can benefit equally from the entire book.

See 4-videos on video page.

The Saving of a Soul called, ‘THE HEREAFTER’


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